Individual Therapy

Individual therapy can help strengthen your own self-improvement and personal growth. You deserve the time to focus on your own needs and goals, in the presence of a compassionate listener.

I specialize in helping  individuals who are dealing with a range of issues such as navigating the dating world, career fulfillment, healing from unhealthy relationships or difficult breakups, codependency, family dynamics, stress and anxiety, perfectionism, and more.

If you’re in a relationship but your partner isn’t interested in therapy, instead of waiting for the other person to change, you can work on yourself to explore what you want and need, and to be the change you wish to see.

If you have a strained relationship with a family member, friend, co-worker or anyone else important to you, I can help you work on the part you can control-yourself- and identify how to set boundaries that allow you to be your best self in that relationship, or grieve the loss of relationship and help you move in a forward direction.

If you have a strained relationship with yourself- maybe you’re filled with self-doubt or lacking confidence to push past your fears and live out your dreams, or questioning your ability to be the better version of yourself you want to be, or living in fear that nothing will ever change. If this is you, I can help.

You are the “expert of yourself.”

Telling you what to do won’t work. That’s not how I work. My approach is to meet you exactly where you are and provide a healthy space where you can explore and identify solutions that fit your life and goals.

My goal is to help you identify and work toward the changes you desire in your life and relationships, while providing you with the skills and tools to become more mindful, resilient, and compassionate toward yourself and the others in your life.

If you’re waiting for the right time, it’s now. Contact me today and let’s see if we would be a good fit working together. The help you’re looking for is here and I’m just a phone call (or email) away.

Every time we choose action over ease we develop an increasing level of self-worth, self-respect, and self-confidence. ― John C. Maxwell

“On the brink of divorce? This is not the best service for you. Click here to learn how I can help you and your marriage.”

3131 E Madison Street, Suite 201
Seattle, AZ, WA 98112
(425) 395-4086

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