Relationship Assessment

Are you feeling stuck in your relationship? Do you spend more time questioning your relationship than actually enjoying it? You notice the negatives far more than the positives and find yourself questioning if your partner is even the same person anymore. You love your partner but you’re not sure about your future together…and you don’t know what to do?

I help couples work through insecurity and uncertainty in the  relationship that’s leading you to seek therapy. Highlighting strengths as well as areas for growth, I work alongside you as you work as a team to  either strengthen or rebuild your relationship based on a firm foundation of friendship, trust and commitment.

Learning more about who you are and the partner you want to be, you’ll learn how to be a more intentional partner in your day to day, strengthen your “same team” mentality, and create an intentional relationship to last a lifetime.

If you are in a relationship where your partner wants out but you don’t, relationship assessment can help you figure out exactly what you need to do before resigning yourself to the worst outcome. It only takes one person to instigate healthy change in a relationship.

If you’re waiting for the right time, it’s now. Contact me today and let’s see if we would be a good fit working together. The help you’re looking for is here and I’m just a phone call (or email) away.

Every time we choose action over ease we develop an increasing level of self-worth, self-respect, and self-confidence.  ― John C. Maxwell

3131 E Madison Street, Suite 201
Seattle, AZ, WA 98112
(425) 395-4086

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